The IT/OT Convergence Strategy Playbook
Executive overview for critical infrastructure protection leaders
In OT environments, convergence should be assumed. The airgap is no longer a reliable method of security.
Threats against critical infrastructure systems (CIS) and operational technology (OT) are growing in scope and sophistication. The same IT/OT convergence that is creating new opportunities and driving efficient and cost-effective industrial control environments are also creating more vulnerabilities and unacceptable risk.
This playbook provides Armis’ guidance to help ICS and OT team leaders navigate the unique security challenges of this Industry 4.0 era. You will get insights on how to drive awareness to the importance of cybersecurity to business continuity and a roadmap to securing all your digital assets across OT and IT environments.
OT/IT convergence has already changed your industry. What’s next?
Digital transformation is shaping a new era of innovations across industries. Discover how IT/OT integration enables streamlined processes, bridging the divide between information technology and operations and, at the same time, opening the door for more sophisticated cyberattacks.
Read this article to explore both the benefits and security challenges IT/OT convergence. You will learn how the Armis Centrix™ helps organizations secure their industrial environments as they progress to “Industry 5.0”.
And you thought air gaps would keep you secure…
The convergence between IT and OT systems has dissolved the air gap that in the past separated industrial control systems (ICS) from the internet and enterprise IT networks. Digital transformation, demand for real-time data, and the Internet of Things are all contributing to breaking down the silos between IT and OT data.
Understand the cybersecurity implications of converged operations and the adoption of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). Secure your organization from threats and vulnerabilities you may not have expected.
Federal executive orders and best practice guidance set standards to secure Critical Infrastructure
The U.S. government has taking measures to bolster the nation’s cybersecurity readiness. Initiatives include the issuance of the National Cybersecurity Strategy along with subsequent executive orders to harden the federal government’s digital infrastructure as well as nationwide critical infrastructure operations.
Learn about the challenges and best practices needed to secure critical infrastructure operations. What is required by both the public and private sector to help make these cybersecurity efforts successful?
A guide to securing IT and OT in industrial environments
OT/IT convergence and the proliferation of the Internet of Things (IoT) devices in industrial environments introduce a world of connectivity first, security second. Traditional approaches such as endpoint protection don’t address the technical challenges of securing industrial control systems (ICS) and OT.
We bring real-world examples to show you how compromised assets and uncontrolled networks expose manufacturers to unacceptable threats and vulnerabilities. Download this resource to learn how to close the security blind spots in your industrial environment.
You can’t protect what you can’t see: A case for device and network infrastructure visibility
Comprehensive asset visibility is the first step to protect your organization from cyberattacks in the Industry 5.0 era. Security teams require deep and uninterrupted real-time situational awareness from the factory floor to IT infrastructure – but that’s not so simple.
Learn about the steps you can take to achieve effective cybersecurity asset inventory, management and control. Learn how Armis works with both managed and unmanaged devices, identifies when an asset behaves abnormally and orchestrates measures to reduce cyber exposure.
Why OT environment cannot be scanned like we do in IT
ICS, OT and IoT devices cannot be security scanned like traditional IT environments. Scans are disruptive and can lead to crashes and operational downtime. A combination of passive monitoring and smart active querying can provide full visibility, security and control…with complete safety of operations built in.
Learn the differences between active scanning and smart active queries. Understand how multi-functional detection engine technology can give plant managers the insights they need to run a highly resilient and fully secured converged IT/OT environment.
What if I’m hacked? A case for network segmentation and automated incident response
Segmentation prevents attackers from moving laterally inside a network. In case of a breach, it’s crucial to have real-time policy enforcement and automated remediation to isolate devices, trigger alerts and initiate software updates.
Explore the importance of having mitigation strategies in place and discover how Armis Centrix™ automatically generates segmentation policies to reduce cyber exposure.
It’s all about priorities…
Armis Centrix™ for Vulnerability Prioritization and Remediation provides a comprehensive Risk Assessment to discover the devices on your network and which are most vulnerable to attack.
By calculating the risk score of each device based on asset criticality, Armis Centrix(TM) helps IT and OT security teams identify vulnerabilities and triage risk mitigation plans for better compliance with both security and regulatory frameworks.
Follow these cybersecurity frameworks to shield your operations
Some of the most important cybersecurity frameworks include Zero Trust, MITRE ATT&CK, CIS Controls, and NIST Cybersecurity Framework.
Discover the importance of regulatory compliance and alignment to security frameworks and how Armis helps you comply with them.
How to implement the Zero Trust framework in an ICS environment
The implementation of the Zero Trust security model has become a hot topic in security circles. Even the White House is now pushing a federal Zero Trust strategy.
Check out this article to better understand the rising importance of this framework, which requires continuous verification of devices and users in order to keep access to resources on the network. Also, check out the steps for a successful Zero Trust deployment in industrial environments with Armis.
How to address the CIS Critical Security Controls
The CIS Controls – established by the Center for Internet Security (CIS) – are a set of actions that organizations should implement to block or mitigate known cyberattacks and malware. These controls are widely recognized for being effective and practical in helping to improve organizations’ security posture.
Discover the security gaps most organizations experience when implementing the CIS Controls and learn how Armis provides coverage for the common controls in ICS and OT environments.
How to get comprehensive coverage for the MITRE ATT&CK framework
MITRE ATT&CK for ICS is a framework that outlines the tactics, techniques and common procedures typically employed in attacks against operational technology and industrial control systems.
Get this white paper for an in-depth look at the MITRE ATT&CK for ICS. See how the tactics listed in the MITRE framework can be detected, mitigated, and prevented using Armis Centrix™.

Safeguarding Our Most Critical Systems
2024 is rapidly approaching and with it a set of fresh challenges and opportunities for protecting critical infrastructure in a wide spectrum of industries globally. From the increasing adoption of cloud-based solutions to evolving regulations, the emergence of Ransomware as a Service (RaaS), and the transformative potential of artificial intelligence (AI), the next 12 months are set to be eventful to say the least. This blog dives into these key trends and sets out the topics that should be front of mind for security teams, boards, and governments alike.
Best IT/OT alignment security practices moving forward
Take a look at the best cybersecurity practices and trends moving forward. It is crucial to deploy a comprehensive solution that offers asset discovery, a multi-discipline detection engine, vulnerability management, automated incident response, and compliance to frameworks.
Make sure your OT/IT integration strategy includes secured and assured cybersecurity measures. Learn what the Armis Centrix(TM) can do for your organization.
Schedule a custom demo with Armis and be ready for the challenges ahead
Ready to demo Armis? Let’s book some time, and we’ll will walk you our comprehensive approach of seeing, protecting and managing your environment.
See how our solution provides comprehensive asset inventory, enhanced risk management, and automatic incident response for better cybersecurity.