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Armis University

Learn From Armis Experts

Your gateway to instructor-led and on-demand self-paced training.

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Armis University

Training at Armis

The product training we deliver is designed to ensure you have the knowledge required to get the most value out of the Armis Agentless Device Security Platform successfully and effectively. All of our training offerings provide you the maximum amount of practical information delivered in the shortest amount of time to help you become self-sufficient and productive as quickly as possible.

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Armis Foundations

This required course provides an introduction to the Armis Platform. We will also discuss industry issues needing to be solved and get more in-depth into the Armis Platform and architecture. A demo of the Armis console will follow the foundation information.

Armis Console – Dashboards, ASQ & Reports

This course provides an introduction to Armis Standard Query (ASQ) and how to use queries in the Armis Console to resolve use cases, provide reports, and create unique dashboards.

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Armis Console – Activities, Policies & Alerts

This course provides detail about using the Armis Console to view Activities, understand Policies, and investigate Alerts.

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Armis Console – Devices

This course shows how to find device inventory information and dive into device details using the Armis Console.

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Armis Standard Query & Policy Building

This course provides an overview of the ASQ syntax and demonstrates how to use the Query Builder to create effective queries and policies.

Virtual Instructor-led Public Classes

Regularly scheduled virtual classes provide the ability to take our training from a location of your choice virtually over the internet. This live, online option combines demonstrations and hands-on labs to enable you to learn and practice using the Armis Platform.

Armis foundations course on laptop screen
Armis University login screen on a laptop

Self-paced Learning

The ability to take classes on-demand at a time that is convenient for you. We have created modules of the Armis Essentials course and other niche topics as self-paced eLearning.

Private Courses

If privacy or scheduling is a concern, we can dedicate a class for just employees. Armis University can deliver any of our courses, complete with hands-on exercises. These can be scheduled to accommodate your needs. Contact your Customer Success Manager or email [email protected] to schedule your private training.

Private small training class

Get Started Today

Armis University is your gateway to on-demand self-paced training modules and for scheduling virtual instructor-led public classes.

Customers can request an account by visiting Armis University, and partners can access through the Armis Partner Portal.