Armis Wins 2024 Frost & Sullivan Technology Innovation Award for Global Healthcare Cybersecurity

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White Paper

Medical and IoT Device Security for Healthcare

Discover why patient care devices are at risk and how to secure all digital assets in healthcare environments. Download our white paper.

Ultrasound - Medical device security

The healthcare industry is going through significant digital transformation with the Internet of Things (IoT). New connected devices bring the promise of enhanced patient care, improved efficiency, and reduced costs — offering a new digital relationship between the patient and the caregiver. But many of these new connected devices are unmanaged and unprotected. And the potential impact is not just on patient data but on patient care itself.

Read this white paper to learn:

  • How attackers are targeting patient care devices
  • Why patient care devices are at risk
  • How to accurately inventory, classify, and monitor medical devices
  • How to protect against ransomware and other attacks on medical devices

Increased Healthcare Device Security with the Armis Platform

Armis is purpose-built to address the need for medical and IoT device security teams. We help healthcare delivery organizations (HDOs) to:

  • Discover devices: Our platform allows you to see all managed and unmanaged devices in your environment by type, both on your network and in your airspace.
  • Analyze risks: Armis calculates a risk score for every device based on factors such as vulnerabilities, known attack patterns, and the behaviors associated with each device.
  • Protect assets: When the Armis Platform detects a security policy violation, you can respond manually or rely on automatic responses.
  • Monitor threats: Armis is 100% passive and non-disruptive, with no remote scanning or other kinds of invasive access to endpoints.

Download our Whitepaper about Medical and IoMT Device Security

Read our whitepaper to explore how Armis addresses the challenges of medical device security.

Get the White Paper