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On-demand Webinar

Global Attack Surface Management Organization Trends and Challenges

Earth from space with Armis blocks

Listen to Curtis Simpson, Armis CISO, and Katie Haslett, Research Consultant from VansonBourne, as they take an in-depth look at the recent findings of Armis’ Attack Surface Management (ASM) Research. This recently conducted research, explores the challenges facing global organizations when it comes to managing the evolving attack surface.

By listening to this session, you will:

  • Gain an understanding of why the explosion of physical and virtual network-connected assets has resulted in global security and IT leaders struggling to see, protect and manage every asset in their environment.
  • Learn about key security strategies and innovative technologies that can be implemented right away to ensure the entire attack surface is both defended and managed in real time.
  • Gain insights from real-world case studies on how Armis’ AI-powered cyber exposure management platform is enabling organizations to continuously safeguard their mission-critical assets from cyber threats.

Watch On-demand