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Solution Brief

Visibility and Control Across the Converged IT/OT Environment

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Illumio + Armis: Zero Trust for Converged Networks

Convergence has enabled new business models and generated significant improvements in operational efficiency for many industries, including gaming, energy, healthcare, transportation, and other critical infrastructure. However, hyperconnectivity has also exposed these environments to cyber risk that attackers are actively exploiting. If IT/OT convergence is not implemented with effective security controls in place, connected assets can allow the spread of ransomware and other threats across these environments.

The implementation of a Zero Trust security model can help contain threats and block cyberattacks across these environments, as the main concept behind Zero Trust is that devices should not be trusted by default and should not be allowed to communicate with each other unless required. Microsegmentation offers an efficient way to implement the foundations for Zero Trust security.

However, before implementing these controls, organizations must understand what assets are connected to these networks, what their business context is and how they communicate with each other. A lack of visibility across the converged IT/OT environment makes it difficult to understand the connectivity between devices and potential threats. This makes putting the appropriate policies in place nearly impossible. Fortunately, the integration of Armis and Illumio solves this visibility and enforcement gap.

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