The bleeding edge of businesses are using new IoT technologies. Wrapping them into the security fabric is critical to expanding this technology within the enterprise environment is Optiv’s business. In IOT, Optiv has the following services:

  • Risk Workshops: Define risk and best practices in a converging technology landscape.
  • IoT Discovery (using Armis): Tap into client production network to identify any IoT connected devices and identify the most vulnerable assets.
  • IoT Device Research: Optiv finds bugs and zero days in devices before (or after) release. This uses a mix of reverse engineering and white hat know-how to deliver a stronger client product.
  • Threat hunting (Using Armis):  Optiv has agents on staff to assist in the discovery of bad actors in IoT environments.

Optiv partners with Armis via straight resell, aaS, or part of a managed service.

Learn more about Optiv cybersecurity services