Case Study

Major U.S. Cultural Institution Protects its Valuable Historical Archives with Armis

server room in a data center

Gains Full Visibility into its IoT Network and an Integrated, End-to-End Security Infrastructure

With two million visitors to its physical location and 25 million visitors to its website each year, the U.S. Cultural Institution in Washington, D.C. serves an important role in preserving and sharing critical and sensitive historical artifacts. Introduced and managed by security firm Trofi Security, Armis has evolved into the single dashboard for the firm’s many security tools, providing full visibility into the institution’s vast Internet of Things (IoT) estate and automating routine security analyst tasks.

Trofi Security is an information security firm located in Lafayette, Colorado and headed by Michael Trofi. The firm operates as the virtual CISO and provides security operations center (SOC) services for the U.S. Cultural Institution in Washington, D.C. Since its dedication on April 22, 1993, the institution has had 47 million visitors and is home to more than 50 million artifacts, archival documents, photographs, archival footage, library items, and oral history testimonies. Part of the collection includes 1.25 petabytes of single source archives, meaning that the institution holds the only copy in the world. With such a valuable asset estate to protect, “risk management is very important,” explained Trofi.

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  • challenges iconGaining visibility into IoT devices on the network
  • challenges iconAutomating routine tasks to redirect limited security resources to more important tasks
  • challenges iconStaffing up for security positions with the right talent in a timely fashion
  • challenges iconSimplifying security operations and security stack management
  • result iconProvided critical visibility into IoT devices for threat management
  • result iconStreamlined security tools into a single dashboard
  • result iconAutomated workflow, which led to significant time savings
  • result iconImproved network performance and connectivity
  • result iconAutomated alerts of unusual east-west traffic
  • result iconEliminated one full-time security analyst position