
2025 Predictions Webinar: Embracing a Unified, AI-Driven Future

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Case Study

Armis Expands Visibility into University’s Facility Automation Systems & Provides Actionable Insights

OT Network Team Builds a Better Asset Inventory While Focusing their Attention on the Most Critical Issues

Managing and securing building automation systems (BAS) for this high-ranking university’s “smart” campus is a big responsibility. After evaluating the security of the OT network, the Facility Automation Systems (FAS) team learned that they needed better visibility into their networked assets. Soon after deploying Armis, the team found thousands of assets they were unaware of previously, and they continue to find more in unexpected places. Armis has also provided them with granular data on potentially vulnerable devices and out-of-date legacy equipment, which helps the team determine what should or should not connect to the network. Thus far, Armis has saved the team a great deal of time and effort, while directing them to issues that deserve focused attention.

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  • challenges iconBuilding a more accurate and complete OT asset inventory
  • challenges iconIdentifying and prioritizing cybersecurity risk
  • challenges iconTaking corrective action when needed
  • result iconQuickly discovers and provides detailed data on previously unseen assets
  • result iconZeros in on vulnerabilities and maintenance issues
  • result iconMonitors traffic for unusual behavior and connection requests
  • result iconSaves time by allowing the team to focus their efforts
  • result iconProviding flexible reporting options