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Feb 27, 2023

Key Takeaways from the World Economic Forum

In today’s digital landscape, cybersecurity has become essential to building trust between individuals, organizations, and the technologies and services they provide. That’s why it was an honor for Armis to participate in the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Digital Trust workshop in Manhattan last week. The workshop saw leaders from various industries come together to explore this important topic.

What is Digital Trust?

By the committee’s definition, ”Digital trust is individuals’ expectation that digital technologies and services – and the organizations providing them – will protect all stakeholders’ interests and uphold societal expectations and values.”

Though the concept of digital trust is broad, cybersecurity is an essential and inherent part of it.

Why Does Digital Trust Matter?

Most cybersecurity organizations are in a state of change today. They are evolving to meet the demands of new regulations, to support innovation for the business, and to bring non-standard but critical assets into the fold of enterprise security programs.

The principles of digital trust are core to building a cybersecurity practice that’s resilient to the failure of any one component of the system. Far from representing risk reduction alone, resiliency actually becomes a competitive differentiator for the governments and corporations that build a practice based on digital trust. A great example of this is how the government of Singapore – active in the committee – is leveraging digital trust to become a technology powerhouse in Asia.

Why is this Work Important?

Since digital trust encompasses people, processes, and technology across the entire organization, defining the controls to implement it and metrics to measure it is a process that requires input from all stakeholders. One of the WEF’s core strengths is the ability to bring together a range of participants from industry, academia, government, non-profits, and consultancies, all with rich experience to contribute. The World Economic Forum has brought these voices together to design a map for each part of the organization and the broader ecosystem’s roles in achieving digital trust.

How is Armis Contributing to this Effort?

Armis is deeply invested in helping our clients evolve their security practices, and digital trust is a critical component of this evolution. I’ve enjoyed working with clients from diverse industries at different stages and sizes. Despite their many differences, most of these businesses are working towards the same goals: secure, transparent, and effective technology practices. It is rewarding to have the opportunity to take an active role in defining the model for the future.

At Armis, we are committed to helping organizations achieve digital trust by providing innovative cybersecurity solutions. Our agentless and passive platform offers real-time asset visibility, risk assessment, and threat detection and response. With scalable and easy-to-deploy technology, organizations can meet their cybersecurity needs and protect all stakeholders’ interests.

As we continue to push the boundaries and deliver new capabilities like Vulnerability Asset Management, we remain focused on contributing to building a secure and trustworthy digital future.

Experience the power of the Armis platform for yourself. Book a demo today!

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