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About Log4j

Log4j Vulnerability We’re Here to Help

We provide the best protection against the Log4j vulnerability, to see and secure IT/OT/IoT/IoMT managed and unmanaged assets, both on the network and in the cloud. Our team is working 24×7 to keep you informed of any risk in your environment.

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Watch and Learn How to Manage the Mayhem: Assess and Control Log4j Risk Now

We’re Working 24/7 to Assess and Protect All Assets

How Big is the Log4j Vulnerability Problem?

Log4j vulnerability numbers and risk

“Armis is a proven solution that helped us find all the assets vulnerable to log4j in seconds, quantify the risk, detect exploits in real-time and remediate in hours.”

Armis customer 24 hours after the Log4j disclosure

We Are Here to Help

Gain 100% visibility, 5x asset discovery, 100% signal accuracy,
50% noise reduction, 2x vulnerability detection, 100% real-time threat detection.

Log4j Risk Assessment

Determine what devices in your environment are vulnerable or need to be assessed further to confirm potential exposure. Armis can help you map out devices and applications utilizing the vulnerable Log4j library, identify the specific devices requiring further review (e.g. confirming exact software versions), and hone in on specific configurations or deployments that are potentially impacted by such exposures. Let an Armis expert help discover, control, and protect.

Quick Visibility Assessment

Do you have visibility to your managed and unmanaged assets? The Armis Quick Asset Visibility Assessment shows all the assets your current tools have been missing so you can quickly assess the blind spots in your environment. Armis’ agentless, cloud to cloud approach automatically finds, identifies, and classifies every asset—including those your current tools won’t ever see. Our platform works with your existing infrastructure to ensure you have a complete, real-time asset inventory when assessing risk. Let an Armis expert help you get started in as little as 30 minutes.

“Armis provides an extra layer of protection by providing a knowledgebase that can detect and respond to exploits, and thus protect assets that haven’t been or can’t be patched. Armis provides active asset management and security so you don’t have to wait for the problems to happen, you can manage them continuously.”

Nadir Izrael


The Long Tail Matters with Apache Log4j

“Good actors (researchers) rapidly look for missed or new flaws, such that the community can path them before they are exploited in the wild. The bad actors (cybercriminals, nation-states, etc.) have the opposite agenda. They are interested in exploiting such findings before the world can patch or protect themselves accordingly.”

Curtis Simpson


The Log4j Aftershocks Continue

Log4j In the News

If You Missed it, Check it out Here:

Kristen Sze Interviews Cybersecurity Expert Curtis Simpson, Armis CISO on What You Need to Know About “Most Serious” Security Breach Ever

The Log4j flaw lets cyberattackers easily seize control of everything from industrial control systems to web servers and consumer electronics.

Manage the Mayhem: Assess Log4j Risk Now

To learn how Armis can help, watch our webinar “Understanding the Log4Shell Mayhem Management and Security” with Nadir Izrael (CTO), Curtis Simpson (CISO), and Chris Dobrec (VP, Product Management).