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Armis Centrix™ for Actionable Threat Intelligence

Revolutionary AI technology that leverages dark web, dynamic honeypots and HUMINT to stop attacks before they impact your organization.

silhouette of an archer on his knee drawing his bow
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Redefining the Security Status Quo With Armis Centrix™ for Actionable Threat Intelligence

Engineers walking in digitized factory

Stop Playing Catch Up

Keeping an organization secure from attacks has been a reactive effort.
Until Now.
An attack is launched and organizations are faced with having to react to it in real time. The result?

  • Reputations are damaged
  • Customer trust is shaken
  • Infrastructure is affected sometimes beyond repair
  • And it all impacts the bottom line

Stop Attacks in Their Tracks

Armis introduces a revolutionary way of identifying and arresting threats before they are even launched. Leveraging a combination of AI and machine learning that scours the dark web, Armis Centrix™ for Actionable Threat Intelligence is an early warning system that empowers you with actionable intelligence before a vulnerability is announced, before an attack is launched and before your organization is impacted.

hooded hacker working on multiple computer monitors

With Armix Centrix™ for Actionable Threat Intelligence You Get

  • Attacker Focused Insights that enables contextual risk determination and possible countermeasure actions.
  • Proactive Response that gives you time to harden your environment before an attack is ever launched and before any damage has ever occurred.
  • Threat Hunting Redefined by redefining identifying CVE gaps and vulnerabilities that are still undetected.

How does it work?

Through groundbreaking technology that begins with proprietary AI/ML technology, we turn the hunter into the hunted by:

  • Scouring the deepweb and darkweb for “chatter” that provides intelligence and insights as to events still in the formulation stage
  • Dynamically deploying for purpose configured honeypots into “hotspots” to observe behaviors and technique
  • And by leveraging human intelligence, through unrivaled feeds, reverse engineering and “listen posts” that are strategically positioned for maximum and highly accurate coverage.
silhouette of an archer drawing his bow

Armis Centrix™ for Actionable Threat Intelligence is a paradigm shift. Ordinary security goes to work when an attack is launched. Armis Centrix™ advances attack surface management by finding potential threats before they are ever launched and before your environment is ever impacted. In many cases, months early.

attack preemption timeline diagram

In fact, Armis has hundreds instances where customers were proactively alerted to a threat before NIST issued a CVE

alert timeline chart

Key Challenges Solved

Threats and risks are dynamic. And by the time an attack is launched, the hacker has a two to four month headstart.

The Threats That Matter

How do you identify and prioritize which threats to go after first, which patches to deploy and what policies to adjust. Playing security “whack-a-mole” is an unwinnable pursuit.

Vulnerability Prioritization

CVSS and risk scores only tell you part of the story. It leaves out which vulnerabilities are being exploited, and what might have the most impact on your business. Simply put CVSS scores do not give a representation of what is happening in the real world.

Proactive Threat Hunting

Attempting to be proactive has traditionally meant being well networked, knowing (and staying) up to date with your system, defense posture and security status on the ground. This is both a labor intensive process that often only results in reactive hit or miss mitigation techniques.

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Armis Centrix™ for Actionable Threat Intelligence
It’s time to stop reacting to threats. Take a proactive approach to the threat before it impacts your organization.

Additional Resources

Solution Brief: Armis Centrix™ for Actionable Threat Intelligence

Read this solution brief to learn how Armis Centrix™ for Actionable Threat Intelligence offers AI technology that leverages dark web, dynamic honeypots and HUMINT to stop attacks before they impact your organization.

Redefining the Security Status Quo With Armis Centrix™️ for Actionable Threat Intelligence

It’s time to stop attacks before they impact your organization with Armis Centrix™️ for Actionable Threat Intelligence. View the infographic.