Armis Acquires OTORIO

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Solution Brief

Why Armis

Top 10 Reasons to Consider Armis

A universe of assets to be discovered

It is well known among security and risk leaders that a siloed or fragmented approach cannot provide complete security to an organization. Only by seeing, protecting and managing all your assets can you stay safe, operational and secure. Only with true AI-driven asset intelligence can you stay ahead of cyber criminals and bad actors.

Armis Centrix™ is a seamless, frictionless, cloud-based platform that provides comprehensive cyber exposure management. This includes a detailed inventory of all assets, a proactive stance in addressing cyber asset risk, prioritization and remediation of vulnerabilities and other security findings, and mitigation of threats across the dynamic and expanding attack surface. Here are ten reasons how Armis gives organizations peace of mind, knowing that all critical assets are always protected.

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