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White Paper

Operationalizing a Risk-driven Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM) Program

Employee in a control room

Organizations face an increasingly daunting challenge to identify and fix cyber exposure risk. Amplifying this challenge is the growing breadth and complexity of the attack surface incorporating IT, cloud, operational technologies, cyber-physical systems, and IoT assets, in tandem with a more sophisticated threat landscape – targeting not just traditional CVE vulnerabilities but also exposures including cloud misconfigurations, runtime, code, and application issues.

A trustworthy industry analyst firm Gartner® developed the Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM) framework. As per Gartner®, CTEM is a program helping organizations to improve their maturity when they govern and operationalize the five recommended phases of exposure management: scoping, discovery, prioritization, validation and mobilization

This white paper explores our findings from the Gartner® CTEM framework and discusses how we think Armis technologies can play a key role in enabling CTEM programs to ensure organizations maintain operational resilience while proactively minimizing their attack surface.

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