Buyer's Guide

Protecting Election Integrity and the Democratic Process

woman casting a vote in an election booth with US flag

Armis Centrix™ provides full visibility into elections systems, documenting activity and automatically mitigating threats.

Secure, fair and transparent elections are a cornerstone of democracy. However, nation-states, ransomware gangs and other threat actors increasingly target elections systems to undermine trust in the democratic process, extort money and cripple devices.

Elections systems are particularly vulnerable. They are network connected, and they have many components — from voter registration databases and network servers to electronic polling machines and vote counters — that expand the attack surface. In addition, traditional security software used to monitor, detect and respond to attacks may not work on many election-related devices.

Elections officials need a comprehensive asset management and security strategy to protect elections and meet specialized security requirements.

This Buyer’s Guide covers key criteria and capabilities to safeguard elections systems. This is more than a guide; it’s a roadmap to resilient and adaptive security practices for election protection.

Download the Buyer’s Guide to continue to learn about election security practical tips, real-life examples, and strategic questions to ask your team.

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